Kunstverein Kärnten, Klagenfurt
BORDERLINE, Video 2006
In the middle of her art-work stays the exchange with her own human experiences in an unknown society depending on local condition and position. As artist and curator she tries to overcome borders, borders which exist of being different. “Borderline” shows also the line inside the social society where the affected person, which cannot adapt to the rhythm of her generation, is condemn to speechlessness.
–Silvie Aigner, catalogue, “CROSSOVER” 2006
“For an outsider this kind of activity is hard to understand. It involves taking slow steps, pleasures, rejections, long thinking. The procedure is similar to learning a landscape by walking, a landscape that may change its aspect any minute, where absolute aridness is followed by sudden thunderstorms, droughts by floods, blue skies by cloud, where the rain comes pouring down outside the rain forest.
–Dieter Ronte 2001 aus “gebrauchsanweisung”
Photoseries, DOOM
This serie shows children which are from different trouble spots and deals with the latest past of our neighbor countries.
–Silvie Aigner Katalog “CROSSOVER” 2006