Sala 1 centro internazionale d’arte contemporanea
Piazza di Porta San Giovanni 10
00185 Roma – Italia
T: 0039 06 7008691
F: 0039 06 7008691
is an open exhibit, conceived by Francesco Amorosino, to open in Rome as part of the 8th annual festival Fotografia. Festival Internazionale di Roma. A thousand photographers from all over the world are invited to participate, with a work based on the theme of the Festival: The Declination of Joy. The exhibit will be hosted by Sala 1, Italy’s oldest non-profit space for contemporary art.
The first 1000 works to arrive will be shown in the exhibit. Subsequent entries will be shown if possible; during the exhibition the public will be invited to take away one of the photos from the walls, thus discovering the identity of the photographer and “adopting” the artist.
A page dedicated to the project will be registered on the photo sharing portal FLICKER where one can also post the entry.