Labyrinth Trap – Computer Confusion
NÖ Dokumentationszentrum, St Pölten, A
2. September – 1. Oktober 2005
Monitoring camera projects the visitor into the video and he can see himself walking through the labyrinth of an arab city. The project plays with irritation and the supervision of the individual in the street.
Al Hallaj, (2) thanks to the knowledge of the language and his secret which he says to God,
Visible for the world and ambiguous for the unexperienced
They wander around and loose themselves
You veiled you for the people
But you revealed yourself to the souls of the sunset
Sometimes you exceed yourself to the look of the others in the sunrise
2. Al Hallaj, Sufi 858-922 A.D., his spiritual and political ideas brought the Abaside caliph into jail, he was condemned to death. (Louise Massignon)